Should have just let someone who cares about environment do the show, so Zac can keep having fun with his rich white friends while we get our interest fulfilled. Narrations by Zac and probably script by someone else are used to cover up the questions he should have asked and comments he should have made. They also love asking silly questions and cutting off and making fun of those experts and passionate people who are actually actively working on building a sustainable future. However, on the author is dead perspective, it's a perfect show to tell us what rich white people think about environment, don't know don't care just here to enjoy massage, food and some water spa. And they are here for the white viewers to make their next travel plan and admire Zac's face and physic with no shame because it says it there, it's for sustainability! That's why I give it two stars.
Edit: Funny how every piece of media about this show is about Zac’s body. Because it frankly doesn’t have much else. So sad how these media brings environmentalism and sustainability to such a superficial level just to capitalize it. When one day our Mother Earth is damaged enough and we look back on these silly things, we could finally realize that we’re literally amusing ourselves to death.