The animation is charming and "dirty", akin to something like Disneys original 101 Dalmations. This is something I miss dreadfully in the CG assisted 2D animation of today, no little human touches in the animation to give it something for the eyes to eat up, so clinical and perfect I might as well be looking at a colorful CAD design.
The characters and voices are top notch, being designed well, even so far as to be designed to be fun to draw ( for example, the background wolves expressive they look goofy, threatening and intense all at once pouncing and flowing between and over each other like water).The story is a little simple, most of it being A to B with its flow, but its supposed to be a fairy tale of sorts, so this is expected.
Christianity is on display via a corrupt and cruel man, a little too cruel to be relatable which is sad...he could have been so much more if he had been kinder to the townsfolk while still being filled with hate for the woods, wolves and what he perceived as the devils work/paganism.
Same goes with the wolves/wolfwalkers, being portrayed as something more akin to coyote spirts...playful, mischievous but ultimately fun and innocent. This was another missed chance. While wolves have the capacity for kindness and intense family bonds, they are also killers/hunters. One actual hunt scene with a prey kill would have been enough to portray this, and give the walkers a bit of a duality to them that was sorely needed. Just a bit of depth and older viewers would have had a little more meat to sink their fangs into. As it sits, the cartoon has a really REALLY bad guy pitted against cute and LOVEABLE good guys, take that as you will.
That said; the story is fun, the animation is extremely fun to watch, with eye candy everywhere in the stylized animation set atop wonderful background paintings. The movie is just....well, fun! Watch it!