Undisputed could and should be a top rated sports debate show. The chemistry between the host is unrivaled by anything I have ever seen. Unfortunately the greatness of this show becomes lost in the fray once a topic surrounding politics, race or a player who they do not personally like is discussed (Aaron Rodgers) While these moments are limited and by no means the majority of the show it’s very difficult to watch the host blatant race baiting and divisive banter. The hosts are also very sympathetic to any non white player who commits sexual assault or domestic abuse. What I thought was just a leniency to players also extends to guest as well as they have had live interviews with a Georgetown professor who on top of being a race baiter was credibly accused of sexual assault by his students on multiple occasions. Loose morals and being on the wrong side of controversial topics regularly will ultimately be the demise of this show as new shows continue to be produced and the market becomes further saturated.