I watched the show and it was interesting to me because of the whole “is it cake or not” is so new and interesting to watch and guess.
From episode one I got the feeling that the idea of LGTB is running the show. Nothing against it, but I don’t like how the society is making decisions to show the support of diversity and all those subjects out there.
There are a lot flirting between the guys character in the show and the final decision was ridiculously not fair.
2 out of 3 chose April but a judge who liked Andrew (commenting “I Do” to Andrew during the show then mentioned oh you are married) made the final decision and made Andrew a winner.
Andrew is an amazing baker and have a lot of talent, but the final cake made by April was something to hard to make. Everything in her cake moves compare to a big square box of cake that Andrew made.
Unfortunately a lot of decision like this are made daily to prove that we are seeing everyone the same and diversity and all, but at the same time it’s not fair to everyone else.
Just a Personal opinion, but Just this show made me to not wanting to watch these kind of shows no more!
Even writing a Google review for a Netflix shows can tell how frustrating the show is to its viewer.