I am a huge fan of FIFA. I purchase the game every year and I have done since about Fifa 08 and I’m a huge career mode player. Every year I defend each new game when people just do nothing but slag it off, I defend the game passionately and I always enjoy it. This year however I feel totally lost with the career mode. The new system of changing peoples positions and some of the little tweaks have made the career more fun. However the new way of doing training in theory is a very good idea but after a few weeks becomes very annoying and just slows the game down. The pre and post match interviews are just getting worse with the same 5 questions and just totally irrelevant questions which have no bearing on what the current situation is. However the biggest disappointment for once comes from the actual gameplay itself. The new passing system is absolutely horrendous and frustratingly unrealistic. The gameplay itself is just a total letdown and a huge step back, the whole feel makes me think of the early Fifa titles like 10/11/12. Sadly I can’t defend this years game and I for one have given up on this years title sadly