The Five is one of my favorite shows on Fox. A big negative about the show is Juan Williams. I realize that your show is trying to be objective and show the other side of each topic. And the discussion that causes among the panel is both interesting and educational. Juan is not handling that job very well. He is a Trump hater, and as such cannot provide any serious democratic arguments or issues. In fact, he looks like he is trying so hard to disagree with EVERYONE on your panel that he says things that make no sense at all. It makes him look stupid. He disagrees with everything the others say even when the issues are not about Trump. Your audience can watch that nonsense on other networks. Please get a more dignified, smart, and informed person. Surely there must be someone else out there. Juan has been on the show since I started watching so I have only seen him replaced when he is out. I like ALL of them better than Juan. I read all of the reviews on this website and almost all of them are fed up with Juan and asking that you get rid of him. People are even deciding not to watch the show anymore. There are websites on the internet that ask viewers to sign petitions for you to get rid of him. Why not do it, your viewers are losing patience.