I saw Eternals for the first time yesterday night and am happy to report that the poor critics reviews are not actually representative of the film itself. Eternals is a great time, but probably a great time you’d only want to have once, because some scenes are just so unnecessarily long. The cinematography and visuals are brilliant - as expected from Chloé Zhao – but sometimes there’s just too much of it when the plot could be moving along. The movie excels in doing many things – it’s action sequences are top notch (though few and far between), the CGI is great, the characters are all fleshed out and given enough time to be introduced, some good gags and the story features some excellent twists and huge stakes. The representation, I don’t care what anyone else says, is also very well handled with a diverse cast, first deaf mcu superhero and first gay superhero, all of which is handled very organically. What the movie gets wrong is just being too long, too many conversations between characters that weren’t needed, too many drawn out landscape shots or flashbacks, but overall it’s a great world-building film that adds a lot to the MCU, it’s just not one that I see myself returning to as often as I would say Shang Chi or Black Widow. Good end credit scenes x2. 7/10