To the person that made this show Shame on you ! Instead promoting good morals to our kids you are saying its ok at the age of 15 to have sex!!!! Drink , do drugs , run away from home if you think your mom is crazy . I am disgusted with this world we live in and people like you that get a chance to make difference in this world but promote bad behavior. To all teenagers out there its not ok to have sex at that age for many reasons : theres more to life then sex , sex should be out of love not for popularity in your group if friends, you are not mentally ready for sex cause its emotional connection and if you get your heart broken you are to immature to know how to deal with it . You can have fun so much fun without drugs . Alcohol is fun at age of 19? If you know how to control yourself . Mom crazy? We all think that but later in life when you are adult you wish you took your moms advice because your life would be so much better . I hope this show gets removed from tv forever and i hope nobody makes shows like this in future . Make a difference in this world in a good way !