Hello. I don’t care what you say, this is the greatest sports movie of all time. Sure, it’s kinda corny and very 80s. But honestly, that makes it kinda better. I feel like it’s a hot take that this is my favorite Rocky film, but idk I guess it’s just because I grew up watching this one. I love all of the movies almost equally… except Rocky V. If you’re new to the Rocky franchise, here’s what to expect. Rocky 1 is kinda slow may be a little boring to some people, but it’s a great story and is my second favorite personally. Rocky 2 has the better quality of a movie, more engaging and exciting especially for sports fans and kids. Rocky 3 is prime Rocky, a perfect movie, literally nothing wrong with it. If you don’t like Rocky 3, I pity you. Rocky 4 is my favorite obviously, and I would say it’s the most inspiring, with Rocky defying the odds against the Russian. Rocky 5 is kinda bad but not as bad as people and Sly Stallone say. It’s a solid movie. Rocky 6 is basically Rocky 3 tier, great movie, one of my favorites. And the whole creed series is amazing, all three of them. The creed movies all have the same vibe but their amazing and more modern. If you’re not a Rocky fan, watch the creed movies if you have a more modern taste in movies. Then you will want to see the back story of the whole franchise and appreciate the Rocky movies more. Whew… that was a lot.