I literally just started watching this particular location of the series and don't think I can pass the 1st few episodes of season one.
Not every single situation was over the top but the amount of over the top snobbish behavior is so off putting.
I felt like I was watching a reformed smoker preach to a smoker at a party. Sorry, not all ex-smokers are unbearable but when you meet the ones who feel their accomplishments makes them better and can't be a relatable human being, it's not a good look.
Coming from meager beginnings then being blessed to be in a better situation, doesn't mean forget how to be friends, how and where to address them and come off like a total diva isn't attractive.
For those with some older wealth, doesn't mean you know better in all situations and again need to just talk to the person who may have offended you.
Everyone just be a person without so much judgement and harsh personal comments.