I want so much to love this show. I love the host. I love the contestants. I love the premise, that all these professionals are here to hone their skills and learn new ones and there aren't eliminations, there are star pupils and pupils who need extra help.
But my god the director sucks.
The show should be lovely. It should be like watching GBBO, we should be rooting for everyone to do well, we should be vibing off Amaury being a lovely encouraging teacher, we should be excited to see each of them pick up a new skill. But this director just LOVES reality show drama so they spend all their time hyping up conflict and not even bothering with actually focusing on the skill. I'm three episodes in and there's been a CLIFFHANGER episode? They're not even following a basic format for two competitions an episode, it's just all about the drama. And there shouldn't BE any drama in this. We could be spending time with Amaury as he teaches, we could be seeing what he's teaching the students who did the worst each week so we know how and why they're improving and be excited for it. But instead we have to watch this stupid director create stupid drama that doesn't even seem to exist in the minds of the students. They're all fine. They like each other. They get along. But the director wants drama so they're making drama instead of making what could be a lovely, interesting, delectable show about what it means to learn and grow. It's the worst conflict of premise and director I've ever seen.
All that said: it's still worth watching, because Amaury is wonderful. He saves it.