Just finished the last of us part 2 and honestly can't see why it's being review bombed so hard. Story has its ups and downs with a noticeably weaker second half and somewhat disappointing ending but the core gameplay, tense and exciting combat and stunning graphics more than makes up for the stories shortcomings. Had a blast playing through it this weekend and hope the people out there don't judge the game too harshly on the leaks which nearly put me off too, but in the context of the overall story some of the more questionable decisions aren't as bad as they are on paper. Overall I enjoyed this game and would encourage people to pick up and play before judging it so harshly. By no stretch of the imagination does it come close to the first games legendary status, but that by no means makes the game less fun to play. So if your a fan of the last of us, this game is definitely worth your time.