At least the show today showed a true light over how our police service officers really behave and flaunt,use and abuse their powers of policing. I mean for PC Sam Chen Williams to brag even as a joke that " if anyone even looks at you in a wrong/funny way, il have them locked up for life" just goes to show the abuse of power given to another human just because they sign a silly bit of paper swearing/testifying to be honest and uphold the law and along as they don't have a criminal record then wow they've got a licence to kill so to speak or ruin some other humanly matched persons life. It just goes to show the seriousness of how certain words and statements can be manipulated and made out to be harmless banter when in reality the high possibilities are true to their word. I've had dealings with the police force who are supposed to be there to protect us and make us feel safe where in reality I'm more afraid of them now than I am of the so called devil because what they have put me through by pushing their way into my life, causing the damage they did over a 2 year period and dissapering back in to the shadows without so much as an apology would scare anyone when you stand there after everything and not being able to do nothing about it cuz they hide behind their badges with such confidence that they actually believe they are untouchable. Until uve faced it 1st hand ul never believe it to be be careful .never to speak to them about anything off the record and even then on the record run it by a law firm 1st.