I think Sword Art Online is a great anime. There are many scenes that are heartbreaking, happy and very angry at the characters. I have cried, thought and just lots of emotions during when i was watching it. I definitely recommend this anime to everybody.
I give this anime a 5,000/10 because i love the characters and yeah <3
Especially when Kirito almost died (sorry for spoilers!) That made me ball my eyes out.
I also cried when SAO ended, and they met in the real world and asuna was in the hospital and i was just so mad when that dude in like season 3 was like: "Im gonna marry Asuna" And i was LIKE NOPE but kirito killed him and season 4, i was so mad when i finished SAO I WANTED TO BE IN SAO like ppl, don't you wanna be in a game? 10/10 <3