Warriors is an awesome and wild book-and I just finished the first one a few days ago. I started the second one-but the first one is amazing and I absolutley feel the scenes and the spirit of the cats.
Rusty is just an ordinary cat who lives with his twolegs (owners) and he worries about nothing. Just his life. Nothing can go wrong..right? Right?
But, then he goes into the forest out of curiousity and meets Graypaw- an apprentice of Lionheart in ThunderClan. But, Graypaw isen't so harsh on Rusty and they become little friends together. But, Bluestar and Lionheart talk to Rusty about joining ThunderClan because of his good and firm fighting moves. Rusty accepts and into the Clan, he becomes Firepaw.
He is an apprentice of Tigerclaw and Lionheart, and he begins his training with Graypaw and Ravenpaw-his friends. He lives in ThunderClan for years-meeting Yellowfang, witnessing murders, and saving Ravenpaw of Tigerclaw's accusion of him for suspicion.
Then, he gets his new mentor, Bluestar, leader of the clan and he fights for his life when him and a couple of other cats fight in ShadowClan. He proves himself-and he is done being an apprentice for Bluestar.
Bluestar makes Graypaw..Graystripe. And she makes Firepaw- Fireheart. Him and Graystripe are proud and everything is normal. They are full fledged warriors and they fight for the clan-always and forever.
But they forget one thing. Tigerclaw is still dangerous and suspicous.