It is one of the best Christmas movies ever. It speaks about the possibilities of self sacrifice and sincere affection among the most sordid and bleak existences. On the surface it talks about homelessness but on a deeper level it talks about the necessity of brotherhood in the face of utter lack of permanent moorings for humanity in any state. How so-called society that tolerates lack of commitment is capable of thrashing its abandoned value systems which when alive remained corrupted and only when dead get dragged into open view. How humanity is fated to be always in a flux in all its states. Be atoms or dust always being recycled to the next state despite having the hero particle embedded in all. And how life goes on despite catastrophes that seem to almost annihilate the possibility of hope in the next moment. Still everyone holds the power to be god to others whether supporting life or bringing on death. And so hope is salvaged from the trash heap of the transitional living on the night of Christmas.