the physics are garbage compared to both 2d and 3d previous sonic games. the dialogue is boring and unimaginative at best and weirdly cringe at worst. you're often forced into 2d platforming when it shouldn't be necessary and even then, it's easy to fall or miss springs that you should be moved to directly which sometimes loses you a lot of progress depending on your location in the game. game mechanics are wildly inconsistent with one particular important boss fight relying on game mechanics that feel nothing like a sonic game whatsoever. the majority of your time will be spent on tedious gathering tasks in order to progress while being gated behind messages or areas that break the immersion. most things you should be able to skip past with a simple click of "a" you just can't, and the skills you can level to 99 have to be done 1 by 1 while waiting for an animation to finish before being able to put another single skill level in. most areas and levels within the game feel as if they had little to no playtesting done because you often have to move in ridiculously particular ways to compensate for the failures in game mechanics, physics, and level designs. I really wanted to love this game, but in all honesty unless they fix a ton of issues, it has absolutely no replay value and definitely isn't memorable in any way besides sections that frustrate the player. beyond that, the amount of hand holding done through dialogue is insane especially when compared with the difficulty of other areas of the game. one redeeming factor is the boss fights and mini boss fights, most of which are done really well, but some rely on weird gimmicks that, again, are more frustrating than actually fun or challenging. in a game where you're supposed to be playing as a super speed hedgehog, it's insane how much the game throws in your path to forcibly slow you down or limit your movement to exactly what they want you to do.