So...a film in bad need of editing. The idea is sound but the first hour is more or less irrelevant. When the first batch of people are taken there seems to be no investigation or even interest. It is only when the cast and audience at the Wild West Show vanish that the media kick in. Yet the siblings on their ranch are not visited by anyone in authority.
The actual Alien-being when seen towards the end looks like a bundle of empty duvet covers. In many ways perhaps just the saucer should have been shown?
The best story within this muddle is that of the chimp which goes berserk on a TV sitcom killing several of the cast. But apart from a warning about trying to train wild animals, this interesting tale leads nowhere.
I saw Nope on NF. Thankfully l neither paid for a cinema ticket or bought the dvd.
BTW, the "nope" scene will raise a smile.