i can see why a lot of people don’t like this movie. and here’s the thing: if you don’t understand it, you probably won’t like it. if you can’t relate to it and truly feel what it’s saying, you probably won’t like it. it’s about being trans, and that’s such a specific feeling and experience that i feel like cis audiences are less likely to understand the characters actions and especially the ending. the ending is heartbreaking to me in so many ways, and knowing what it’s referencing makes it that much more devastating. if you’re trans and you watch this movie as an art piece about what it’s like to be so, you’re probably going to love it. but even if you just try to analyze it on story and character motivation alone ? i don’t think you’ll like it at all.
i love it, and i can feel every bit of emotion and thought behind each character, line of dialogue, and especially the ending. this movie is for a specific audience, just like the pink opaque itself is for specific people.