Having experienced this rent bilking, not as the landlord but as one of the tenants who saw a professional rent bilker in action; instead of bringing unwanted pets, this is one had street rats as pets to be used to cause folks to complain about rats, leading to more lawsuits. Unfortunately I don't play well with sociopaths, I knocked off one of its pet rats of third floor balcony, then started actively hunting the street rats with a thumper. I cut off its routes of access by trimming back the tree, the rats were using to get on the balcony. These rats caused me to recall Ben and Willard, the trained rat movies. I set traps for the rates. The rent biker was hoping for someone to complain about the rats. What folks don't realize is that rats will leave if not completely colonized into the building,will leave if you cause them to fear you. They wouldn't leave the bilker's apartment.
Then it kept trying to engage me for more acts of persecution, unfortunately, for the rent biker, I live for persecution and I know better. The building ended up for sale after the rent biker threatened lawsuits and the folks they were targeting moved out to their other home. The kicker was the rent bilker raised an issue against them, threatening lawsuits and they weren't even in the state. Telling the landlords I was smoking meth led to their downfall. And the owners sold the building and the rent bilker had to pay the lease and end up leaving quickly as it no longer had someone to persecute and blame for issues with the property in an effort to live rent free.
They jumped the lease as they were in the corner apartment with no victims for the rent bilker sociopath to persecute and file complaints against any other leaseholder...
What a waste of space, the rent bilker went through lots of trouble to prove that most of the apartment folks were violating lease terms and in so complaining would threaten litigation to cause the landlord to give the sociopath free rent
they were sociopathic