I have watched American Idol this year and worked hard to get in so I could voted. I was so upset to see what happened last week when Jack Blocker was still voted in and Triston Harper wasn't given the third spot to win. Instead Jack Blocker that shouldn't have been on the show in the first place if the people that are behind the show hadn't fought with the judges to get him on the show, he wouldn't have been on the show. I ask myself after last week if he is related to or connected in some way to someone that is on the show that fought to get him on the show. I feel, no matter how you vote someone in the show is going to see that Jack Blocker is going to win. Even though it is not fair Triston Harper should be in the place where Jack Blocker is. I feel, that someone that has control over the people that fought to get him on the show someone should take a close look into why they fought so hard to get him on the show and now no matter how bad he is he stays on the show someone needs to look into this matter because this was not fair. I feel, the judges got tricked into this they had no part of it. It was the people that came out from behind the show that are behind this keeping Jack Blocker on the show if he wins it will look bad for the show because he is a joke.