It is a good game, that being said it has flaws. It is Drastically easier to pay to play in this game rather than not. Premium account, premium tanks, even the ridiculous gambling of loot boxes all help you progress way faster. One of the most noticeable flaws is the current meta of the game. Each tank they add is better than the previous with either a crazy gun, crazy armor or crazy flexibility. The game is starting to lack a sense of strategy. E.g. anybody with a brain can sit hull down in a kran and perform. I admit I pay to win in world of tanks so I will still rate it four stars but for casual players this is a very frustrating game.
Also, why for the love of god did they ever introduce chat bans? If somebody doesn't like what you are doing in game they can just get you mass reported and then you cant communicate. What's even worse is in addition to the bans increasing they also make it so you cant talk to clanmates. This is a very silly way to deal with ignorance in the chat. This process should rely on AI instead of angry players trying to get back at you.