This is just a message to say that I signed up to your breastfeeding webinar towards the end of last year after months and months of feeding hourly (day and night). Alllll of the professionals said by baby couldn’t possibly have CMPA because he didn’t have blood in his stools and was gaining weight so his reflux also wasn’t an issue. Anyway it turned out she had multiple allergies and with the help of your diet plan I was able to figure it out myself by 7m 😊 by 8m he started waking 1-2 times a night as opposed to 5-6.
I think the work and research you’ve done is amazing. The knowledge you have exposes a giant void in the NHS and the bridge desperately needs building! Not one breastfeeding ‘expert’, midwife, health visitor, nurse or doctor pieced together the link between reflux and food allergies.
Thank you so much!