There are so many life changing lessons in this movie but the one I want to talk about that I haven’t noticed anyone mention not in just this movies commentary but a lot. Is that Love is the ultimate answer to everything. Not brains and wit or physical fighting, emotional fighting, not resistance to feeling and changing. A “ding” went off in my head every life lesson I recognized that played out on screen but when Robin Williams character said something along the lines of “listen to your heart and everything will be okay”…made it that much better to me. This movie and its lessons and the ways they went about having them bloom made this the second best life altering movie I’ve seen so far, unless I’m just forgetting something else at the moment. For me, number one is Wizard of Oz. I know right. But it’s because they got it down, they showed us in the most basic terms and dialogue that having friendship and more heart than anything bad is most important. W of Oz didn’t need to twist and turn it into something for us to unwind. Brain, or negative ego, versus Heart and how tender connection can be when it blooms from the heart, from Love. I don’t need to be the, traditionally, smartest person in the room or wherever. I would rather have a heart. Kindness, gentleness, Love. Good Will Hunting and Wizard of Oz share the most important lesson I think we should ever learn and that’s to lead with love, teach with it, receive it, be it, remember it.