Lowery takes great pains to tell us what existentialists already know.
We are born
We will experience pain
We will die.
We only have choices in
how we experience pain/society.
Our choices are based in
Self interest.
We are constantly creating ourselves
with our choices.
We too often look past how we make choices and overvalue the choice we make as all-important.
In a godless world like Star Trek I would agree with Lowry.
But all the research in the world isn’t going to convince me that intellectualism is the answer to
amerikka’s racist, militaristic, consumeristic and hedonistic ways.
Viktor Frankl
Michele Foucault
Jean Paul Sartre
Irvin Yalom
Franz Fanon
Stephanie Fetta
Christina Sharpe
Shunryū Suzuki
David Richo
bell hooks
Theodora Lau
Edoardo Albinati
Any 12 Step big book
All have more to say.
In a way most people have not considered.
Happy reading.