People are going to see this kdrama I do not recommend them do not waste time look for others 👇 at the bottom I left you in the list that I made of the best kdramas 😒 The doom at your service series is very toxic, boring and ridiculous there is no coherence or continuity ; Me, I endured 14 episodes of this series just for the male actors I'm not going to see it anymore I'm sick of the main actress
Poor guys, the male actors alone used them as kissers, crybaby and they didn't value them for their talent
The script was very poor.
a total waste of time; I only saw it because of the male actors because they are so beautiful and talented. The secondary actress should have been the main one
the very dwarf lead actress is fifth from the appearance of her personality of her very deficient of her embarrass the kdrama.
The main actress is out of place to be sent with gargamel in smurfs because of her dwarfness, unpleasantness and lack of class and glamour.
The review people who are flattering main woman. they paid them do not deny it
What brutality of the people who qualify it as one of the best kdrama. This series is very poor, it has no concept, it is a complete disaster, what a disappointment. in with gargamel in smurfs because of the dwarf, unpleasant and lack of class and glamour🤢.
The directors of the kdramas should put pretty actresses but as always they put the same dwarfs on the face of cul * these girls have contacts bribe the directors or have relatives in those entertainment companies because not beauty if they have class it's annoying that's discrimination they don't gives the opportunity to other beautiful actresses that if they make their character excellent and do not harm the series in conclusion the corruption I leave you the list of the best kdramas that nobody mentions out of envy and because they do not want them to see the best that the undervalued kdramas of the that all the pages and ignorant people always recommend and speak for corruption and contacts are famous but that does not mean that they are the best in these the main actress does not harm the kdrama there are beautiful actors and an entertaining and excellent story:
🌸 My romantic some recipe
🌸Angel's last mission: Love
🌸The man's voice
🌸Exo next door
🌸Handmade love
🌸Dali and cocky prince
🌸 Wednesday 3:30 pm
🌸High End Crush
🌸 Bossam: Steal the Fate
🌸Reunited worlds
🌸The Idle Mermaid
🌸 Me too flower!
🌸Gogh, The Starry Night
🌸 The best hit
🌸Level up
🌸Tale of nine taled
🌸Beauty inside
🌸Love with falws
🌸My country
🌸A Piece of your mind
🌸Mr queen
🌸Lovers of the red sky