Most of the movies starts with some different opinion and different characters but we enjoyed the movie . But this movie starts with a childhood which makes you easy and comfortable because we already scene this kind of characters and after this college life started and I thought it’s is completely waste so I am skipping the movie scenes because so many things are over funny and not natural (but that’s all for making us happy and we want that college lyf sometimes) …But the 2nd half is completely change and I feel it’s my story with my father from my childhood days to now … He is my villain still now but after this movie I understood his emotions and his struggle for me. From last 5 years i didn’t speak with my father but this movie makes me very emotional and now I understood I am wrong in so many points …. Very heart touching movie
Thanks to the director Chakrabarty for making this movie and you teach me “celebrate your parents when they are with you” ….
I suggesting you all please watch this movie