I am horrified that some people like faith wants someone to be fired for alleged or questionable behaviors. If you do character assignation, you will fire half of America! How can a group of people have the power or authority to have people get fired? People are getting too politically incorrect and to demand people to get fired. People need their day in court as well.Are we living in a world afraid of saying something that may be viewed as racist or taken the wrong way? I don't believe that JAX and others should be fired. Maybe suspended, fined, or do some kind of volunteer work. Getting fired on the first charge is rather extreme!! We need to treat all people equal and not rush to judgement. So, are we going to scan all reality tv shows and see who is a racist? Yes, JAX did say some questionable remarks but not racist! You are reaching for straws. Yes, he have said some things about the GAY community but have participated in their events in Hollywood (GAY Parade).