I have played this game for over 5 years now, not on a daily basis but regularly, monthly a few weeks or so and in my honest opinion, this game has a great concept along with models and sound design and over all everything which has to do anything with aesthetics BUT and that's a big BUT, sadly the company which created this game called Gaijin Entertainment has become a greedy company. But how? you may ask... Let me tell you... The game itself has a serious grind issue, esspecially if you want to play with modern era vehicles as they are top battle rating vehicles and eventually the game will automatically pushes your hand to your wallet to open it up and make the grind somewhat more berable with paying for premium vehicles, currency or account/membership, or the battlepasses. And then there are the repair costs... After your vehicle has been destroyed, you must pay an amount of silver lions to fix the vehicle. Theoretically there is nothing wrong with this, but the better statistics a vehicle makes globally, the more expensive the repair costs will be and you will be forced to either purchase premium or simply, not play with your desired vehicle to save yourself from going bankrupt. The game itself has a somewhat hard learning curvature with many aspects and elements, but I do believe this is just adding more to the immersion or the realism of the game. The developers are incompetent and in most cases, they aren't listening to community feedbacks regarding economy changes from official forums, and the company tends to censure anybody who dares to say anything bad about the game on their own forums. I recommend the game for anyone who has enough money and time to play with, or just wanna play something with friends in casual or something like that, but I do not recommend it for people with low tolerance and patience, as I said, the grind eventually is going to be tedious, not only for Research Points, but for Silver Lions as well due to high repair costs.