I am not able to sleep thinking about the exchange that took place between Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon whom he calls his "bruthaah"
In the mix of hot stories today is the one about the young black man in Georgia killed by two white men in a truck. As the hand-off occurred between Don and Chris he poked fun at having seen Don running while he was driving past him and teased him by telling him "keep running fat boy" which probably under any other circumstances would be borderline fat-shaming at worst, but OK to abuse your "bruthah" Unfortunately Chris didn't realize what he did. I will say what Don probably couldn't say. Don't call me boy. I worked all my life proving myself. Calling me a boy hurts my pride. Yelling at a black man on the streets may be funny to Chris, but it feels different to the other side of the exchange. Especially occurring in parallel to that news story. People of color do not play on the same level playing field as white people. Chris has knocked on the door of a larger issue than one black man in Georgia being killed by two racists. People of color cannot act the same toward white people. The conversation should enlarge to address white privilege, the powerlessness felt by people of color to "stand their ground" The real issue is of color, social politics, and power. Really explore this Chris. You knocked on door. Can you walk through it?
OH, p.s. apologize to Don, privately if not publicly.