Great show with a great cast that deserves to tell their story. It's beautifully shot and staged, the writing is good, and the casting and acting are top shelf.
Some people will see this show only through a lens of the recent controversies surrounding Joss Whedon, but a TV show is a much bigger thing than one person's vision. If you can't stomach a Joss Whedon show right now, then try stomaching a Laura Donnelly/Pip Torrens/Jane Espenson show and see if that does it for you.
Worth noting that the initiating event of the story is almost exactly that of the beginning of superhero mash-up series, Wild Cards, a section written by the series editor, George R.R. Martin, and set in the late 1940s rather than Victorian times. That said, the events parallel so closely that George R.R. Martin's name probably deserves to be on the credits somewhere.