Playing this is like a post-apocalyptic consumerist hellscape for anybody who used to enjoy PES 15(!) years ago.
MyClub is a mode literally based on the worst aspects of PES’ rigging combined with the bubblegum-flavoured gambling of paid card packs. The redeeming features about Master League Online in PES 2011 were the individuality of the players combined with how it actually took time to build a team of 80+ rated players. And you had freedom to create your own tactics, based on players you yourself chose to sign after poring over stats!
Now? Now it’s random 80+ player signings from the off, no rhyme or reason, lumped into a formation and tactics that are frozen regardless of how many Maradonas the other team has to just run straight towards goal, hoovering up rebounds and deflections because that’s what makes a 101-rated player.
It’s just going to be this forever now isn’t it. A football boot stamping on a human face forever.