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Sylvester Stallone has like 1 facial expression throughout the whole movie
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Feels like a hallmark movie with 20 times the plot twists and with even poorer acting.
Virgin River
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The entire thing felt like a discombobulated mess that didn’t have any real direction with the plot and required a Harvard PHD to understand, however the acting was fairly good
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Very cool atmosphere, but not scary. Good visuals, but you can’t see many of them on ps4. Great story and good gameplay, infinite bugs. Could’ve been better if more optimized, fun experience.
Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach
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Literally the best children's show on the planet
The Backyardigans
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The beginning of the movie is really solid and captivating, but the final thirty minutes fall flat and everything happens for no reason or without logic
The Silence of the Lambs
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This is proof Jesus Christ is real and loves us all
Killer Bean Forever
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This movie is literally the worst movie I have ever seen. Okay that’s a lie the cat in the hat movie was the worst movie I’ve ever seen but this is really bad too. I didn’t care about any of the characters and there were so many plot holes I have no idea how this script was even considered in the first place. 0/10
Black Widow
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I think it deserves 5 stars if it can make fishing that entertaining in a video game
Red Dead Redemption 2
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This show gives me aids it’s unfunny and the plot is nonexistent the characters are terrible it’s all terrible