There are a lot of plot holes in this movie that drive me bonkers. Things that just shouldnt happen if the characters were even half as intelligent as they want you to believe they are.
The opening was very fun and promising... It starts to go down hill when we see the "team" interacting in a pretty weird way for a bunch of spies. Probably the most forthcoming and non cagey spies I've ever heard of.
Of course the reason behind this is the main focus of the story... emotions and gut feelings over logic and facts.
Then of course you have the bad guy who shows exactly why emotions dont really wit well with spy work considering his entire bad guy act is an emotional fit which then turned into a power grab.
Of course Rachel didnt actually win a single fight against the bad guy on her own... throughout the entire movie. The actual fight scenes outside of the opening were mediocre at best.
Even with all the stuff that didnt make sense, the Hindenburg moment was great, reminded me of the glass onion scene at the end... The locations were beautiful, and Gal Gadot was great to see.
If you dont think about any of the story its a good watch.