"1000 Babies" is a gripping Malayalam thriller that sets a new benchmark in the genre. The series hooks you from the start, offering a binge-worthy experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Sanju Sivaram delivers a peak performance, with his character transformation being one of the highlights of the show. His portrayal of a complex, evolving character is commendable and showcases his acting range.
Neena Gupta also shines with a powerful and nuanced performance, adding depth to the emotional layers of the story. Rahman’s stylish screen presence further elevates the series, making every scene he is in more captivating.
The central plot is unique and introduces a fresh concept that lingers in your mind long after the series ends. While there are some loopholes in the script, if you don’t dive too deep into the finer details of logic, it’s an engaging and enjoyable watch.
From the main cast to the junior artists, everyone has done a commendable job, adding to the overall appeal of the series. Despite a few minor flaws, 1000 Babies is a must-watch for thriller fans, setting a new standard for Malayalam thrillers.