Charlie Chopra was an intriguing show. Whenever Vishal Bhardwaj creates either a movie or a show, I’m tempted to watch it. This show didn’t leave me awestruck nor disappointed; it fell somewhere in the middle. What piqued my interest was the unexpected twist within the twist, which I won’t reveal to avoid spoilers. However, I believe there were several shortcomings. Firstly, the segments harking back to the protagonists childhood in Punjab seemed somewhat disconnected. Additionally, some characters appeared underutilized. Nasiruddin Shah, for instance, played an eccentric role but didn’t contribute significantly to the series. Talented actors were left untapped. Moreover, I feel that the series could have been condensed to around three episodes instead of six, adopting a more streamlined Agatha Christie Mysteries approach. Six episodes felt excessive, and I know many who lost interest after just two episodes due to the slow pace.