Don’t waste your money. And this is coming from a huge horror fan.
I’ve never written a movie review before, but wow this was a let down. I heard this was pretty good from some movie reviewers I trust and boy did they butcher their reviews.
Look, it’s very well done on a technical level. It looks great and the acting is good. Some people said the main character’s acting is bad, but it isn’t because obviously someone who goes through intense trauma is going to act a little strange if it’s not handled. I won’t go into more detail, but she was good. Most of the acting was great. Except for the elephant in the room….
I knew Nicholas Cage was a pretty insane person before going into this but woah this was bad. I mean, it’s a little held back from his other characters, but his acting did NOT fit the movie. Imagine if in the middle of Hereditary Nicholas Cage appears in really strange makeup and starts talking about the devil. I’m not comparing it to Hereditary in quality but it has a similar feel I guess. Now you could say that this may not destroy the movie, but Nicholas is pretty much the face of the big bad here which means he’s just straight up the only thing that’s manifesting the fear and suspense physically except for another character and some other things you can catch in the corner of your eye… but I won’t spoil.
Also, the story is pretty predictable. At first it’s confusing, but it comes together pretty easily before the exposition dump comes.
Honestly, it’s really a big fumble. If you want to see something that’s technically different and funny then you might like it. Honestly, I would wait until it comes out on streaming and watch a quiet place or something. I haven’t seen a quiet place yet but there’s no way it’s worse than this.