This is the best book l have ever read. Really. So....nice. The thing l liked the most are that the main 3 children of the book- Roberta, Peter and Phyllis- are so full of feels, and so kind. The situation is that their father was mysteriously taken away one night, no one told them anything, they moved to the country in a little house and were told that "they were just pretending to be poor", their mother crying secretly and falling ill.....and they stayed so brave and understanding. And they are ordinary little kids-the oldest being 12, youngest being 8-they
cried over a broken toy, quarrelled like regular siblings, played. They are so kind that they RISKED their Lives to help others,even those who were horrid to them. They are more strong than they are expe ted to be as a kid. They all got happy when their father came home. This isn't just a story about kids who play on The railway though the railway plays a big part in the book. It is more. A book about being the helping one no matter what. Recommended for every child as the books read nowdays by them are only about kids that moan and think it's uncool to be kind. They also teach lessons, but this book should be read as well