I don’t know why it has so many bad reviews because it’s a pretty good horror movie. No it’s not some grand franchise-inducing movie but it’s still pretty solid, I’ve seen worse and this is far from being bad.
Also the people upset at the gore and topic of suicide, it IS a horror movie, ofc it’s gonna use upsetting topics to scare the audience
The jump-scares were pretty good, body horror is something that creeps me out and this does a good job at it.
Also people are mad at the main character doing stupid stuff as if that’s not a classic running joke in the horror community, all scary movies do that, and I don’t know about you but I love yelling at the tv, it offers a way for viewers to interact.
I feel like a lot of people thought this was gonna be some deep profound horror movie with secret meanings and serious tones, which just isn’t true. They hate on the jump-scares, especially the demon voice scene saying it’s “cheesy” don’t get me wrong it is, but thats NOT a reason to dislike it.
Throughout the whole movie it alludes to the fact that it’s a sentient being. The demon actively seeks out to scare her for it’s own entertainment, so it makes sense for it to talk and the demon voice was probably just proving it.
Notice how the demon doesn’t actually talk like that normally, but it knows it would scare her, and so most likely it put it on for show.
The scene where she just gets out of a fight with her sister, is visibly upset because no one will believe her, and the demon saunters down the stairs swiftly, dressed like the sister and scares her gives the feeling like it’s mocking her, it’s not just a curse, it’s a sentient demon and it knows what its doing.
It reminds me of ‘IT’ and ‘Chucky’ in that way, gives the demon life and character that you wouldn’t think it’d have otherwise.