it's a very indulging book about the Pixar time-line for Pixar fans and many of the theories themselves prove to be valid although there are some parts i would edit if i was the author. One of the parts where i think i could fix is related to Bugs Life and Cars.
Before reading this article i had watched a video from a channel that covers many popular films, Film Theory. The video was covering how dark the Franchise known as, Cars is. It used much valid info from this book to tell us a dark secret about Cars and it's timeline with Film theory's clever tweaking towards it, the point of the video was telling that the "Cars" in Cars are not actually Cars. but they're actually Bugs, I won't go to into detail on the reasons why but you can go watch Film theory's video to get into the specifics but with this reason if i was the author i would switch and adapt a timeline where, Bugs Life is anywhere before the Cars Series in the timeline of this theory.