"No One Killed Jessica" is a compelling film based on a true story, highlighting the persistence of a sister seeking justice for her murdered sibling. The movie masterfully portrays the societal and judicial challenges faced in pursuing truth and accountability.
In "No One Killed Jessica," journalism takes center stage as it depicts the media's role in fighting for justice and holding the system accountable. The movie vividly portrays the ethical dilemmas, pressures, and pitfalls faced by journalists in pursuing truth amidst societal and political influences. It effectively showcases how media activism and public pressure can influence legal outcomes. The film's portrayal of journalism's pivotal role in shaping public opinion.
As by saying Noam Chomsky, " He who controls the media controls the mind of the people." So it's important that media must be operate independently and without undue influence, only then it will serve as a watchdog, holding power accountable and will be provide diverse perspectives.