I watched the show on April 7,to see what all the noise was about. As usual, Greg started off with wisecracking, which caused some laughs, which by the way, seemed canned or PHONEY. He addressed subjects with kind of a " roasting" attitude, also causing more canned laughs. Then he went WAY OVER THE LINE, bringing religion into the picture. He said he was not religious, that`s his problem, however, he incited the continuation of the religious discussion, which resulted in the degradation of religion, and the insulting of those who did beluve in some kind of religion. This was NOT "roasting" , but belittling of religion and those who believe. The guests were at best puppets during this discussion. Combined with the low morality of the show, this is my last look at anything Greg is participating in, including "The Five". I CHALLENGE FOX TO INSIST THAT GREG APOLOGIZE FOR THIS INSULT, or has FOX capitulated to the like the rest of the Media, sacrificing everything for ratings.