hardworking girls, good role models, independent, responsible, great friends, and doesn't complain about hard work. They don't make girls feel bad for eating a certain way either because I remember girly cartoons like sailor moon promoting diets where you "can't eat too much" which is a weird thing to push on young girls. With all the dieting promotion in the early 2000's and the bad superstar role models it's kind of funny to see them make fun of Burdine for hating carbs so much and being plastic. In one episode, Yasmin initially doesn't want to interview London Milton ( Paris Hilton) because she only parties, wears bad hair extensions, and is famous for having a gajillion dollars. But when the other girls push her to interview her, she does it and finds out the reason London wanted her to interview her is because London saw what Yasmin had done with models in her article called "Supermodels with Brains", and wanted people to see that side of her. So we find out London knows karate, goes to libraries and museums, and likes meditative breathing. It's a great way to show that someone can be girly and intelligent at the same time. There is also an episode where Chloe gets a C in chemistry, which according to the Bratz is "not cool!". So all of the Bratz support Chloe and does her magazine column for her because as Sasha says "school work comes first". The fact that parents call the Bratz provocative then let their children watch shows like Victorious and Boy Meets World shows that they are judging a book by it's cover. There is nothing provocative (even remotely) about this show, yet in those shows 7th graders and young high schoolers make out? Nobody in this show even kisses... Teenagers have been wearing makeup forever and short skirts since the 60's. It's weirder how people react to it like it's a bad thing because these teens have no bad intentions behind it besides "expressing yourself!". And everybody in the show treats them the same and doesn't react in any weird way to the way they dress, which should be more normalized.It's more creepy to tell them it's provocative when they are perfectly fine. They dress more covered up than most teens in real life. The reason they are called "Bratz" is because Burdine had always called them that so they decided to own it. Another thing you will notice is that the Bratz never act like Brats. Besides Chloe's occasional worry meltdowns (which is normal for a teenager, especially a drama kid) these girls handle situations together in a calm mature way and always know what priorities to put first. They all have their flaws like anyone else, but the way they deal with these and recognize them is what makes them good and mature people. Not to mention, they are juniors and seniors in high school, so they are actually acting a lot better than kids in real life their age and dress accurately.