I really wish people were not so hard on this movie. I did take a 13 year old with me to see it. We thought it was pretty good. I do have some questions though! *Spoiler alert* How long was the step mom in the "never after" and if she was being babysat at the time then how did the dad know where she was or how to get her out? I also thought it was weird that when the the step mom and the older daughter go into get Alice they don't have to convince her to leave. If this world is literally everything the girl has ever wanted, then why wasn't it harder to get her to come with them? Also the girls real mom is shown but never explained at all. Overall though we liked it. We didn't go into with an expectation of blood or murder and really had no clue it wasn't about a "killer teddy bear." There were some twists that we didn't see coming. I don't regret watching it all. We had a blast!
Might be a great movie to take a preteen/younger teen to get them started on scary movies. I wouldn't say it was phenomenal but worth a watch.