This tv show probably one of the most disappointing think can happen in history of human being.
Totally disaster , humiliating the original story , insulting Tolkien’s work as the creator, unknowledgeable , full of selfishness , ignorant and BS of politic agenda 🤬!!!
How come elf have short messy hair ? How come there’s black elf ? How come there’s beardless dwarf ? How come there’s black dwarf ? How there’s hobbit before there existing life ? How come there’s black hobbit ??? How come Galadriel become warrior & full of vengeance???????
And the most disgusting thinks is , how they make friendships between Elrond & Galadriel. Are they don’t know if Elrond is Galadriel son of law ???
So many question in my mind .
This show ruin my imagination about elf , dwarf, Numenorian, etc….in Tolkien’s world .
Really broke my heart 😥😥😥😥😥
I subscribed Amazon , specially just for watching this show.
But after those 2 episode, i immediately unscripted it !!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬