I appreciate historical movies and it's important for the younger generation to not forget the history and perils of yester years however my review is based strictly on the quality of acting, realism, sound track etc. It was not up to the mark despite its commercial success. Puteri Gunung Ledang was a knock out movie. We need more historical movies with a good director, cast, sound track, script and editing. We can make quality movies and we have. There should be movies about the great police and army cahracters that did great things for the country. Movies about Botak Chin and the brave officers who risked everything going after him. The great Tuan Hamidon, Malaysia's extraordinary detective, The Red Army siege and the gallant Ghazali Shafie etc. We have enough stories in our backyard..that can be made into blockbusters..with Netflix..we can tell the world what a country we are.