I wish I was lying when I said this is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. I didn’t expect amazing dialogue or shark behavior accuracy (it is a shark movie after all) but I might’ve expected too much: I expected ~minimally~ good CGI/graphics, a consistent shark size, consistent type of shark, consistent water depth, explanation of sudden magical fog, regular range shots to see where the characters are, not being able to see the shadows of the very clearly shallow pool they filmed in, not to feel like I was in a fever dream for the last 30-45 minutes of the film.
Honestly if they were consistent on the kind/size of the inaccurately murderous sharks or an explanation for why they are so violent they basically grow legs and follow Alicia Silverstone on the beach to nibble her leg, it might’ve been okay-ish. Production really just seemed like it was on it’s last leg. (lol)