JJ Abrams story technique is to sample all the stuff from Star Wars that people like and piece it together into some random photocopy of the originals. The force awakens had such a thin plot then came a Deathstar scene at the end...we’ve seen this before!... now after the random comedy/children’s cartoon Last Jedi comes this oddly pieced together ultimately disappointing end to a story that really never took off at the beginning. Again recycling elements and plots from the original and forming a quite dull Frankenstein’s monster of a Star Wars movie. I hear the fans are to blame for this series turning out this way but I’m not sure. JJ Abrams was guilty of this at the beginning. I actually don’t think he has an original creative idea in his body, most of his work he’s done was already out there Star Trek, Super 8, Star Wars, Mission Impossible...he comes along and sticks a lens flare on it hoping no one will notice he’s recycled plots from better movies.