The game is great, the story, characters, all of that. but.... there is one problem. and you guessed it, online, ranked specifically. ive been playing Mortal Kombat for yeears, and have not seen a games online system so horrifying. Spamming kameo(sonya, sereena), grab, command grab, projectile spam (Reiko mhm) teleport spam (smoke), sweep spam, (smoke again), 123 combo spam (johnny cage aka my worst enemy), the list goes on an on. but Netherealm Studios, all i ask for is a report system for horrible spammers, give em atleast a 24 hour ban. honestly, my brother constantly raging too much, but he doesnt get it, he plays offline. ive told several people i was gonna kill myself over this game (not seriously) but i geniunely wanna cuss them out. but it turns out, its a 45 year old guy with cheetos on his lap, playing as reptile. ive switched my main atleast.... all the characters. (except the females i am loyal and will not se kitanas booty jiggle while on call with my girl.) ive broken my controller, charger, phone, over this game bruh. if peacemaker is dogcheeks, im suing yall because i beliveve he will save m from the 9 yr old smoke players. (i beat them every time its just annoying). i just got into rank 4 or 5 i think? and its terrifying. never in my life have i heard a guy from mexico sareena 23 hit smoke combo me like that. i hav been clipped, almost doxxed, spammed, caged, im basically a veteran from ranked mk. all i ask for is a spam report (because playstation doesnt do jack whn i report for in game behavior) because i shouldht have to tell a fat kid with cheeto fingers that hes spamming, he knows anyway (WARN YOUR PLAYERS BY GIVING THEM A NOTIFICATION, AFTER 6 CONSECUTIVE ABILITIES USED)