Like it, or hate it, it is a compelling movie, with a lot of tense moments. I had heard about this movie but did not bring myself to watch it, till last night, when I ran out of choices on Netflix. I don't have much to say about Clint Eastwood as an actor, but as a director he has this uncanny ability to hook you to the emotions in the movie. That is no small achievement, at all. I have watched Sean Penn in Milk, and had a lot of appreciation for his acting, but as Milk he was playing a real person and it is easier to do so, actually, because you either do it well or poorly and either way you cannot satisfy all, in the end. Mystic River was a revelation as far as Penn is concerned. I cannot say this about the whole movie but at least 70% of it. He has this commitment to the role which is undeniable. Though in the end his character starts losing the depth and the impact, he remains in character. Penn, though openly is a De Nero fan, does not fail in imitating De Nero and Al Pacino. He perhaps should stick to being himself with those beautiful cold eyes and a cut of the face that matches that intensity. It is obvious that either the directors want him to play his idols or he just chooses to be them when he is given a choice.
The movie could have been tighter and well written with more scope for unknown, but it ends as a family drama with a lot of unncessary parts. Kevin Bacon is out of character quite often and in some instances out of place too. It looks like the ending was done in a hurry because the movie was too long, already. It is not a bad movie at all. I really wonder how Penn got an Oscar, but he is a good actor nevertheless. Clint Eastwood perhaps had to pay more attention to the screenplay too, in the way he has dedicated to the direction. I did not lose much watching this movie. It was a pleasant surprise indeed.